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washington representation

Public relations and government affairs representation tailored to the needs of the client.  Global Strategies Council works as your office in Washington, to penetrate and work with the White House, Congress and all government agencies, analyzing at the same time legislation and regulations, related to your needs.

risk assessment & strategic management

We offer risk assessment and strategic risk management services in connection with our client’s needs for both risk mitigation and security for their operations. These activities are usually undertaken in connection with the client’s insurance company to insure that the rates our clients pay for insurance are among the very lowest in the industry.

​Best practices guidelines and decision matrices are key to implementing findings and recommendations of the Global Strategies Council’s professional team, which comes to you with extensive experience in this industry. By accepting risk assessment into your planning process you are able to identify risks, accept no unnecessary risks, make risk decisions at the proper level and then accept risk if benefits outweigh the cost.

​Our team of experts evaluates the level of activity undertaken, the inherent dangers of equipment used, the hazardous materials used and produced, the complexity of the activity in question, undertakes to evaluate all environmental concerns and weighs that within the balance of geopolitical and local political considerations and environments.  Ongoing inspection of best practices with these factors in mind, leads to a far more profitable, safer and well balanced operation.

international trade

Our organization is recognized for its vast experience in connecting plethora of business with allied trade and industry associations.  Networking, coordinating meetings and organizing various events with the public sector, are some of the services the team specializes in order to promote client’s business.   

We identify and remove impediments to doing business in the U.S. and abroad, by creating a commercially friendly and transparent environment.

We link clients’ companies as we are dedicated to the promotion of international trade, import-export, international logistics management and international finance.

We maintain extensive global ties, linguistically diverse advisors, in order to cover a get in-depth information and solid advice on issues relevant to any prospective client. 

We support improved information resources to ensure businesses are fully able to capitalize on expanded opportunities to sell their goods and services in US or abroad

Corporate relations

As various Government regulations are getting increased, without a doubt corporations need to be informed at all time and work on solutions.  There are many cases where corporations pay no major attention on plethora of federal changes, which leads to critical problems.

We maintain continue support to our clients, making sure all issues are addressed and resolved.  Our fair negotiations take place by analyzing the legislation and all regulations; a leading key of our success.  

Intelligence & crisis consulting

Global Strategies Council has an extensive experience, access in providing high-quality, sophisticated, discreet consulting and intelligence services. The team consists of intelligence and law enforcement experts, diplomats, policy makers, leading academics, journalists, and specialized experts in forensic sciences and terrorism.

Our mission is to assist clients around the globe, maximize their performance and achieve their strategic objectives through human intelligence, analysis and problem solving.

Accurate, well-sourced information is more important than ever in a complex, inter-dependent, global economy. The demands of the marketplace and the current security environment require that decision-makers have access to information that extends beyond the offerings of media or on-line databases. Our reach into on-the-ground human intelligence meets those demands.

Unlike limiting to just an investigative research, Global Strategies Council treats the collection and analysis of information as the first in a series of steps developed. This assists greatly to achieve an objective, such as facilitating a company’s entry into an overseas market, reviewing the bona-fides of potential business partners, or assessing and remedying company’s vulnerability to terrorism.  Our clients include industry leaders, chief financial institutions, major law firms and high net-worth individuals.

M&A Services

GSC advises corporate buyers and sellers, as well as private equity investors throughout the entire M&A cycle. One of the first things we look at when on-boarding a client is whether now is the appropriate time to take business to market. In fact, many clients when they first reach out to us want to have an informative understanding of market dynamics and where their company stands within. We develop strategies that allow ownership to meet all objectives and one day exit the business when it is best positioned for sale. Selling too early, or without a strategy in place to maximize shareholder value, is likely the ownership might leave money on the table. With our experience on industry insights and global capabilities, we help clients maximize value and achieve their desired goal. Our experienced advisor teams work on turnaround and exit strategies as we mainly create value for the shareholders by driving a fair and challenging competition for the best results of our clients. GSC not only provides end to end solutions, but it is the Deal Closer across the world!

foreign relations

Multinational conglomerates or foreign governments have the need to better present their position on various key issues, that either pertaining the White House, or other government departments and agencies. Our team of advisors and analysts work closely to make sure these issues are heard with the best possible and effective way, throughout the decision makers of all related government institutions.


The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain are fluctuating challenges in protection and monetization; challenges that our firm stays two steps ahead of. We’ve helped engineers, inventors, gaming startups, and entrepreneurs develop, license, sell, and maintain ownership over their creations. We’ve also negotiated purchasing and partnership agreements for larger investment companies looking for their unicorn.

Money Laundering & financial crimes

Global Strategies Council is ready to address the needs of government regulatory agencies, financial institutions, law enforcement and intelligence agencies in detection, identification and eradication of money laundering activities and other financial crimes. Our team does this through a combination of education, recommendations (if needed) for closing regulatory loopholes and through implementation of software solutions that aid financial institutions through which funds may be laundered. The main goal is to raise the level of awareness and implement adequate controls to prevent financial crime activities within the institutions